Who we are
What is our company Brain
Our Company Brain is the product we developed out of necessity as our small business had outgrown it being effective to use email, files and verbal training. We needed an organized way to record, store and access everything from operational procedures, rules and policies, training and employee manuals, to vendor and supplier information, building and equipment records and everything else as a company we needed to have documented and known.
We searched and searched for the perfect product, but in the end realized there was not a great solution for small businesses like us, and decided to make it ourselves. This was not an easy task! We have been working on, improving and changing our original company brain for about 10 years, which was for our parent company, Benson Communication. In the end, we developed an amazing product on the dokuwiki platform and decided to turn our years of experience into a valuable resource for businesses like yours. We are excited to offer our solution to you and truly believe you will benefit from having your own OUR COMPANY BRAIN.
We love the organization, cost savings and standardized multimedia resource platform that this product has been for our company. Our employees love having all of the information they need right at their fingertips! Our Company Brain is the information storage and knowledge management solution you have been looking for, or perhaps never realized you needed until now. Either way, read on to learn more.

How Our Company Brain Can
help your company

Time is money! Spend fewer hours training, retraining and fixing errors.

Increase Employee Productivity
Your team can save time by finding what they need when they need it and they will get more done with everyone following your standardized instructions.

Bring Your Knowledge Together
Knowledge can get lost in emails, chats, notes and file cabinets, or when employees leave the organization. Our Company Brain retains it all!

Continually Train Employees
Stop training inefficiently through email and outdated manuals (we have all done it) and start training in an organized effective way.

Customize, Customize, Customize
Every company is different, so we know your Company Brain needs to be unique too. Our Company Brain can work for you, no matter what your company does!